Dog boarding kennels near me

Looking for dog boarding nearby? Try Spoilt Rotten Dogs in Sydney!

Our Sydney dog boarding and daycare can cater for short term care - a few hours or a whole day - and for times when you need to leave your dog for weeks.

Why us? We love dogs for starters! Plus, we offer a great hotel with an outdoor yard and weather coverings so your dog can roam no matter the weather!


Did we also mention there is lots of time for play in the lounge room? Toys, a TV and lots of dog fun.

And, every dog boarded will be walked at least once per day!

Plus, we can take care of your dog’s special needs such as medication.

Most importantly…

Your dog's safety is important to us. In addition to our dog carer living on-site 24/7, we have equipped our boarding facility with all it is required to keep your dog safe and happy:

- 24/7 Video Surveillance

- Fully fenced backyard

- Full insured & DA approved

- Recommended by Sydney vets

- Supervision and care by our team ⠀


We want to keep your dog safe, entertained and happy when they stay at our Sydney dog boarding kennel, if they are with us for a day or a month!

Dog boarding kennels near me?

Give us a call or stop by to take a look at our Sydney Dog hotel and daycAre!

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